Over 6 Million Members in Xbox Live Today

Kirjoittanut: Livegamers


Microsoft announced today that Xbox Live service has over 6 million members worldwide. This is 4 months earlier than the goal of June 2007 announced by the company at E3 past year.
After November 2002, gamers have spent over 2,3 billion hours gaming online in Xbox Live. Most popular game in Live is still Halo 2 with over 710 million online gaming hours. The next popular Live titles were in order Gears of War, Hexic HD, Call of Duty 2 and G.R.A.W.

On the average, Xbox Live Gold subscriber has 22 friends on their friends list, and total of 2 million text and voice messages are sent each day. More than 135 million content downloads have been made from the Xbox Live Marketplace.

Biggest Live Arcade hits considering total of full game downloads have been Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting, Bankshot Billiards 2, Marble Blast Ultra, UNO and DOOM. Total of 25 million Arcade games have been downloaded by members from the Marketplace. Most popular Live titles of the Livegamers´ users can be seen here.