Kasarimaiset uima-asut saapuvat Friday the 13th The Gameen

Kirjoittanut: Livegamers


Illfonic ja Gun Media ovat julkaisseet Friday the 13th: The Gamen seuraavan lisäsisältöpaketin, nimeltään ”Spring Break 1984 swimsuit clothing pack”. Nimensä perusteella paketti tuokin pelattavilla hahmoille erilaisia uima-asuja, jotta biitsibileiden tunnelmaan päästään paremmin sisälle. Naku-uinteja päivitys ei sentään mahdollista.
Spring Break 1984 Swimsuit Clothing Pack tulee maksamaan neljä euroa, mutta alkuun sen saa ostettua puoleen hintaan. Paketti tullaan julkaisemaan ”pian”, mutta tarkempaa tietoa asiasta ei vielä kerrottu.

Lisäosan myötä peli saa myös uuden päivityksen PlayStation 4:lle ja PC:lle, korjaten matchmakingia, lagia, sekä useita bugeja. Tarkemman listan korjauksista näet alapuolella.

Fixed an issue that would create a new lobby after only searching for 10 seconds.
Increased the ping threshold back to 300ms on PS4
Fixed an issue that would cause a crash if a party leader invited a player that was already in another lobby

Decreased the window break animation time
Fixed an issue where Jason could not damage counselors moving through the window
Fixed a number of environmental kills that were not triggering
Fixed an issue that was causing the door to not get hit after the first or second swing
Fixed an issue where the morph circles were not appearing on the morph map.
Fixed an issue that was leaving the map up when Jason was hit while trying to morph
Fixed an issue where Jason was not dropping a counselor in a choke if he was hit
Fixed an issue where Jason was taking damage while stunned…he shouldn’t

Fixed an issue where the Pocket Knife would not trigger
Fixed an issue with weapons that was not decreasing the weapons durability if they were hitting Jason but Jason was not taking damage

Fixed impact decals so they dont display the material type anymore. (Wood, Metal, and Rock)
Fixed badges disappearing when swapping languages
Fixed a loading screen hang on PC

Maps: Packanack
Fixed a hidden door
Fixed a tree from spawning in a cabin

Maps: Higgins Haven
Fixed an issue where Jason would become locked out from performing interaction when attempting to use a Window interaction
Fixed an issue where the phone box to call the police was blocked by environmental objects